Websites made easy

25 Feb 2021

UI Frameworks??

I’ve always thought that creating webpages was complicated until I learned about UI Frameworks and their benefits. UI Frameworks, or User Interface Frameworks, help simplify the development of layout, provide an attractive look and feel, and provide consistent results across browsers. Within the past week, I’ve been able to replicate simple websites using a UI Framework called Semantic UI. Despite only being exposed to Semantic UI for a week, the simple websites I’ve been able to recreate are a testimony to how easy it is to use UI Frameworks. However, just because Semantic UI is easy to use doesn’t mean it’s easy to learn. I can see how it may be confusing to some at first, but I feel as though once you get the hang of it, it is entirely worth it.

Making life easier

My experience with UI Frameworks has been a positive one. Aforementioned, Semantic UI has been the framework I have been working with recently, and I’m able to look at a website that would otherwise seem complicated to replicate and replicate it with ease. Semantic UI offers various elements, collections, views, and modules that allow people to build beautiful webpages with minimal effort. Much of what seems like the “hard work” is working behind the scenes, and you don’t even need to fully understand how everything works to take advantage of it. For example, you don’t need to know how Semantic UI can create dropdown menus and display them on the screen, but you’re still able to use it by typing a few lines of code.

Endless Possibilities

Semantic UI is just one of the many numerous UI Frameworks that are available. I am excited and looking forward to learning about the different UI Frameworks that are out there so that I can have that much more tools under my belt when creating webpages. As mentioned before, it may seem complicated when being first introduced to UI Frameworks. However, it is entirely worth it once you can gain a grasp of how to utilize it. I have yet to use everything Semantic UI offers, and I already feel more than capable enough to create a professional-looking yet straightforward webpage. I strongly feel that UI Frameworks such as Semantic UI can help anyone looking to create a webpage.